Go West! (part 1) On the Columbine Trail
In fourteen hundred ninety-two,
Columbus sailed the ocean blue...
It's a good thing that he had to hang about in and around Huelva, Spain waiting for the money and ships to start his expedition, as fourteen hundred and ninety (or any other year that didn't end in two) wouldn't have made such a good rhyme. This August, I paid a flying visit to Huelva to see where Columbus, or Cristóbal Colón as he is known here, stayed and researched before he did indeed set off in 1492, and discovered that there is more to Huelva than a historic departure point.
Loving couples were not much in evidence when we walked the length of the muelle in order to savour the sunset; fishermen were. Two young boys clambered onto the top level with their rods and bait. Their first 'catch' resulted in nothing more than abuse from the men below as their lines tangled. The sunset was worth the walk out into the river as the sky suffused with dark orange hues as river boats passed, lines were cast and the sun sunk below the horizon.
Our Columbus day started off shrouded in mist as we took the bus to La Rabia. The large memorial to Colombus that graces the riverside next to the bridge was barely discernible. As usual we arrived early and wandered the grounds waiting for the sights to open. Breakfast in the restaurant prepared us for our day ahead and we walked down to the water's edge, to Muelle de las Carabelas (Harbour of the Caravels, to see the replicas of the boats in which Columbus set off to discover India and found the West Indies and America.
He had three ships and left from Spain;
He sailed through sunshine, wind and rain.
The replicas of the three ships - Santa Maria, La Niña and La Pinta - sit in a shallow dock waiting for you to climb aboard. The first thing that I noticed was the size, or lack of it. The boats are tiny by modern standards. The bravery of Columbus and his sailors is inversely proportional to the size of their craft, particularly when you consider that at this point many people still believed that the world was flat - not Columbus, obviously, as he would not be planning to sail west to get to the east! The living quarters were cramped, especially when you consider that sufficient rations also needed to be stored within these small vessels. It was enlightening to clamber over the ships, but I know that the life of a sailor is not for me now, let alone more than 500 years ago. Particularly interesting were the videos and displays that showed how the replicas had been built and how Columbus believed he could reach India. The ships are definitely worth a visit for anyone with even a passing interest in the accidental discoverer of America.
Columbus spent many years waiting for backing for his voyage, two of which he spent in the Monastery of La Rábida. After learning that King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella had rejected his request for outfitting an expedition in search of the Indies, Columbus retired to the Friary to work on his plans and with the intervention of the guardian of La Rábida and the confessor to Isabella, Francisco Jiménez de Cisneros, he was able to have his proposal heard.
Walls are adorned with pictures by local artist Daniel Vásquez Díaz that detail significant moments in the life of Columbus; in the chapel is an alabaster statue of the Virgen de los Milagros (Virgin of Miracles), to which Columbus and his crew are said to have prayed. The church in the monastery is 14th-century Gothic-Mudéjar, where Captain Martín Alonso Pinzón, from Palos de la Frontera, who sailed with Columbus in one of his ships, is buried.
The monastery is home to more than just Columbine artefacts. The peaceful inner courtyards and cloisters bloom with flowers which echo the botanical gardens that surround the monastery. The chapel is architecturally interesting with Moorish styles (Mudéjar) mixing with the gothic, and a beautiful altar in one of the side chapels.
Our time in Huelva was short, but interesting. If you have an interest in Columbus you have to add Huelva to your itinerary.
La Rábida Monastery opening hours and price
Huelva Tourism for information on beaches, culture, gastronomy and nature.

La Rábida Monastery opening hours and price
Huelva Tourism for information on beaches, culture, gastronomy and nature.
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